Why the Mar-a-Lago Raid?

This one isn’t for the faint of heart.

The Mar-a-Lago raid is part of a much bigger picture. Here’s the picture as I see it:

There is and has been (for at least six years) a conspiracy to “get” Donald Trump. It began with a hoax (the “Steele dossier”) that was designed to discredit Trump and deny him the presidency. It continued while he was in office, with a coordinated assault by congressional Democrats and media leftists to eject him from the presidency. It has continued since he left office, with the specific aim of preventing him from running or being elected in 2024, and the broader aim of suppressing the GOP and electoral support for GOP candidates.

In addition to the political motivation for the conspiracy — which was and is to protect and preserve the “deep state” — there was and is also the matter of Joe Biden’s complicity in and enrichment by influence-peddling. (More about that below.)

The conspiracy was instigated by the Oval Office and designed by the CIA. A key element of the design was to bring the “dossier” to the attention of the FBI. Key FBI officials may have been in cahoots with the CIA. Other FBI officials who became involved in the affair may have believed in the “dossier” because they wanted to believe in it. Instead of looking for the truth, they took the “dossier” and ran with it, engaging in criminal acts of malfeasance along the way.

At first — in addition to Trump — the conspiracy affected people like Carter Page, who was probably harassed in the hope of flipping him. It resulted in the firing and prosecution of Lt. General Mike Flynn, who was too knowledgeable about intelligence sources for the comfort of the conspirators.

The conspirators have now targeted about 30 Trump associates. And, more broadly, they have intensified their attacks on everyone who doesn’t agree with the left’s agenda (especially “wokeism”). The main target is the “deplorables” attacked by Hillary Clinton, who are now the “semi-fascists” conjured by Joe Biden.

The whole thing is a classic Stalinist operation: scapegoat, shame, suppress, and prosecute the opposition. (The left loves to project its own feelings and methods onto its opponents.)

Where does the raid on Mar-a-Lago fit into all of this? The raid was a fishing expedition to see how much information Trump had acquired about the origins and workings of the conspiracy. The unprecedented nature of the raid, the obviously flimsy pretext for it, and the selective leaks by the FBI all suggest desperation on the part of the conspirators.

In the best case (for the conspirators), Trump would be silenced by a quid-pro-quo (don’t expose us and we won’t prosecute you). In a worse case (for the conspirators), a smear campaign/prosecution would blunt or discredit whatever story Trump tells the public. The worst case would have been a bolt out of the blue: Revelations by Trump about the conspiracy that would be so damning that Democrats in the White House and Congress would be as scarce in the next several decades as they were in the decades following the Civil War.

Here’s the part that explains the conspirators’ desperation: In addition to the possibility of revelations that would cripple (or doom) the Democrat Party, there’s a personal angle for Joe Biden. For the sake of his reputation, ill-gotten fortune, and even his freedom, he must prevent Trump (in particular) and Republicans (in general) from pursuing the investigation and prosecution of the influence-peddling scheme fronted by his son.